1. Cope harder
  2. Cope better
  3. Cope faster
  4. Cope stronger
  5. Buy on MagicEden


  1. • Manifest SGN in yourself •
  2. • Teach the ways of SGN •
  3. • 100,000 holders •
  4. • Vibe and SGN •
  5. • CEX listing •


Supply 4,649,000,000

SGN Tokenomics


How to buy?

  1. Create a wallet

    1. Download xverse and set up your wallet. You can download it via Chrome extension, the app store, or Google Play.
  2. Get some BTC

    1. You can buy BTC directly from the xverse app.
    2. You can also buy it on an exchange and transfer it into your xverse wallet.
  3. Buy Now

    1. You can buy on any of the following websites
      1. MagicEden


  1. What are Runes?

    1. Bitcoin Runes are fungible tokens built on the Bitcoin blockchain as alternatives to BRC-20 tokens. Xverse explains it more in detail here:
  2. What is Rune splitting?

    1. Splitting lots in Ordinal Runes refers to the process of dividing your lots into smaller groups. This allows you to manage and trade smaller portions of your runes.
    2. MagicEden shows you how to split lots of runes in detail here: Splitting and Listing Runes
  3. Why did you choose a supply of 4,649,000,000?

    1. 4649 in Japanese can be read as "yoroshiku" which means "please treat me favorably" or "please be kind to me". This is a common phrase in Japan and is used in many situations.
  4. Wtf no premined?!

    1. SHO GA NAI
SGN•SHO•GA•NAI•SGN is a meme rune and is made purely for entertainment purposes. There is no official team or planned roadmap.